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Young children will love wheeling Tomos around and then stopping to enjoy the story about the time Tomos raced around Sodor as fast as he could doing all sorts of important jobs for The Fat Controller. Go, Tomos, Go! A Welsh adaptation by Llinos Dafydd.
Bydd plant bach wrth eu boddau yn gwthio'r llyfr bwrdd hwn, sydd yr un siâp ag injan Tomos y Tanc, ac yna'n darllen y stori am y tro y rasiodd Tomos o gwmpas Sodor yn cyflawni pob math o dasgau pwysig ar ran y Rheolwr Tew. Cer, Tomos, Cer! Addasiad Cymraeg gan Llinos Dafydd.
Welsh. Hardback, 10 pages. Under 7s.