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Learn about all kinds of different celebrations with Sali Mali in this fun story and activities book. Sali learns about the traditions and customs associated with special occasions, from New Years to Easter, Christmas, and much more. This book contains simple recipes and activities for the whole family to enjoy. This is a book for every season, family, and child in Wales.
Dewch i ddysgu am wahanol ddathliadau gyda Sali Mali yn y llyfr stori a gweithgareddau hwyliog hwn. Mae Sali yn dysgu am draddodiadau ac arferion achlysuron megis Nos Galan, y Pasg, y Nadolig, a llawer mwy. Mae'r gyfrol yn cynnwys ryseitiau a gweithgareddau syml y gall y teulu cyfan eu mwynhau. Dyma lyfr i bob tymor, pob teulu a phob plentyn Cymru.
Welsh. Paperback, 48 pages.